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Low Vision Aids for Seniors

As older adults age, it’s common for them to experience a loss of or damage to their vision. Losing vision makes daily tasks and activities much harder, especially for older adults. However, with the need so high, there are many low vision aids and devices that are available to those who need sight assistance. If you or your loved one suffer from low vision, consider some of these tips before you purchase the vision aid of your choice.

There are many different devices that are available to those who need assistance. Here are some of the most common types and how they work:

Electronic Glasses

Designed for those who are legally blind, these types of glasses help people with many different conditions such as glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, or macular degeneration. These glasses help to enlarge the field of vision while adding additional light into the user’s line of sight. Built-in cameras work to clarify what the user is seeing, which enables many older adults to keep their independence. The glasses also come with battery packs which are designed to last for the entire day. You can read more about these glasses here.


There are many types of magnifiers designed for people with low vision. Handheld magnifiers are great for quick uses like reading a recipe or seeing a note or looking at a menu in a restaurant. Stand up magnifiers are more suitable for lengthy reading such as newspaper articles or novels. Reading machines, like this one, magnify anything put below it. They also have the capability to read materials aloud. This is especially helpful for people whose sight is far beyond repair.

Enhanced Devices

Many companies have enhanced regular household items making them more accessible to those who can’t see. There are many normal objects like watches, alarm clocks, timers, and telephones that come with talking ability.

For those who experience only minor difficulty with seeing and reading, here are a few tips to keep in mind when it comes to low vision:

Tips and Techniques

  • Make sure there is proper lighting around you when you read or write.
  • Avoid glare. Glare that comes from windows, or direct light can make reading more difficult for people with low vision. Try to avoid glare by adjusting lights or wearing sunglasses while outdoors.
  • Be bold. Contrasting colors and patterns can make seeing objects easier. Try using bowls and cups with patterns instead of regular white ceramics.

Our Carespring Rehabilitation and Healthcare Facilities in Dayton, Cincinnati, and Northern Kentucky know how frustrating it can be when experiencing low vision. When it comes to navigating low vision, what works for you?